
19k mos basic training
19k mos basic training

The specifications say it has a top speed of 45 miles per hour.

19k mos basic training

There are also two 7.62 mm machineguns and a 12.7 mm machinegun mounted. The main gun is 120 mm cannon which fires different types of rounds, including a kinetic-energy anti-tank depleted-uranium, sabot-wrapped penetrator built to totally liquefy heavy armor over vast distances. It can hit up to six targets a minute up to two and one half miles away. From the pin point laser range finder and automatic computerized gun adjustment to guarantee first round hits to the Inter-vehicle information system (IVIS) which links all the tanks on the battlefield together so each Tank Commander can see where all the other tanks are located and share enemy information while encrypting it from enemy view. An Army Lieutenant Colonel said that it is like a giant computer inside a steel box. It is also the most technologically sophisticated and lethal tank on the planet. The M1A2 Abrams is a 12-foot-wide, 8 foot tall, 32 foot long, 68 ton, 9 million dollar hunk of steel with a protective armament of depleted uranium.

19k mos basic training

If you want to be in the Army in combat arms that takes it to the enemy, but you don’t want to walk, that pretty well leaves you with Armor, i.e. I took one look down into that tank and decided I would rather walk. We were invited to climb on it and get in to check it over.

19k mos basic training

There was an M-60 tank, which was fairly new then, on display. When I finished basic training, with the 6th Armored Cavalry Regiment, at Fort Knox, Kentucky, the leadership naturally tried to interest us in Armor. This was originally published in The Belle Banner, Belle Missouri August 15th 2018.

19k mos basic training