
Boy walker bouncer
Boy walker bouncer

boy walker bouncer

High mean age of participants at the beginning- No information on sample size calculation-Failure to define the study population clearly- PEDro scale=5 No difference in gait acquisition age between two groups The mean age of gait acquisition (walking 4 steps independently)/ One child from each pair used baby walker


A final update of the search was done in Apr 2017 and no new result was added ( Figure 1, Table 1).


Reviewing the titles and abstracts followed by the review of the full manuscripts of relevant articles, led to identification of nine articles that met our selection criteria including two clinical trials, six observational studies, and a case report. Totally, 315 articles were found in PubMed, 1630 in Google Scholar, 18 in EMBASE, and 38 in Scopus. The extracted data were entered into sheets to be compared as reported in this paper. Two reviewers evaluated eligible articles and data were extracted about the first author, year of publication, title, journal, study population, sample size, study design, methods, demographic factors, study outcomes, study findings, and study limitations. The interventional studies were evaluated using PEDro scale. The review included both interventional and observational studies as well as case reports. The inclusion criteria were applied as follows: 1) Studies that had evaluated the effect of baby walker on child development, 2) Published in full manuscript, 3) Published in English. Two coauthors reviewed the titles and abstracts of all citations found by literature search and full texts of relevant papers were received thereafter. Reference lists from potentially relevant papers were also hand searched to find any additional studies missed during our search. Same keywords were used to search Scopus.

boy walker bouncer

EMBASE was also searched with keywords “baby walker” OR “infant walker” AND “development OR walk. Google Scholar was searched for papers with the terms (“baby walker” OR “infant walker”) AND (development OR walk) anywhere in the article, without any limitation. PubMed query was (((baby OR infant OR pediatric OR pediatric OR child)) AND (walker OR runner)) AND (development OR walk). All articles, which fulfilled the inclusion criteria, were included without considering the year of publication. This study was conducted in Apr 2016 and updated in Apr 2017 using databases of Medline, EMBASE, Scopus, and Google Scholar. In this study, we summarize previous findings on the effect of baby walker on child development. For these reasons, especially walker related injuries, baby walker sale has been banned in Canada since 1989 ( 10) and the American Association of Pediatrics has not recommended baby walker as well ( 5). Second, they prevent visual experience of moving limbs because of their design, believed to have a critical role in development of motor systems ( 9). First, they provide precocious locomotion in infants, which may interfere with the natural process, that an infant needs to take to develop ( 7, 8). The possible developmental delay can be discussed from two aspects. However, the missing point not neglected is the developmental delay that may occur among walker users ( 5). They are highly associated with accidents and injuries, happening in 12% to 50% of users ( 5, 6). Despite the popularity of baby walkers, there are notable concerns about them. The use of baby walker is based on cultural beliefs and personal interests of parents ( 4). About 50%-77% of parents of infants 3 to 12 months use baby walker ( 2, 3). Baby walkers are known as fun entertaining equipment used for infants between 4 to 12 months of age globally ( 1).

Boy walker bouncer